Evaluating indigenous systems of medicine, particularly yoga and ayurveda, so that their physiological effects are studied using present-day scientific methods, with an aim of using these systems of medicine to promote health and manage disease.
Transcranial doppler system (Digi-Lite, RIMEDLTD, Israel) to record for cerebral artery velocities and pulsatility indices.
A subject fitted with a mask and connected to an open circuit metabolic analyzer (Quark CPET COSMED, Italy).
Recording room: A participant connected to the 16 channel polygraph and is being assessed for variables such as oxygen saturation, heart rate variability, respiration, galvanic skin resistance, non-invasive blood pressure and cardiac output.
Goniometry: Goniometry with respect to minor joint movements.
Foundation Aims
We are Patanjali Research Foundation
Patanjali Research Foundation was started in August 2010. This Research Foundation is a part of Patanjali Yogpeeth and is located in Haridwar, in the north of India.
Patanjali Research Foundation (and indeed the parent body, Patanjali Yogpeeth) are named after the great Indian sage, Patanjali (circa 900 B.C.) who first compiled the numerous writings on yoga in a way which is relevant and can be understood by people today.